OK, OK, so it's been a while since I've posted. In my defense, coming home from our and getting caught up with life was hectic! The article about the trip appeared in our paper today, reminding me that I need to do a bit more writing for some of the publications that expressed an interest in our trip story. Plus, I'd rather spend time writing than folding laundry, so here I am.
Before I forget, the link to the article is here:
and I think that expires in a few days, so I will try to figure out how to get that to work after that if I can.
This was the laziest Thanksgiving I can remember. Katia, Ed, and Alyona helped Wednesday evening with making pies and our side dishes, so all we had to do today was reheat them while Brian grilled the turkey. We usually do the big dinner and sit around at the table with guests and all that traditional stuff, but today seemed like a day to do something different, so we ate in front of the TV. Gasp!! Well.....what can I say except that, for us, that is a pretty rare thing, so it seemed like something fun to do. Of course, we discussed what we are thankful for before we got started, and everyone mentioned family at the top of the list. Turkey was up there too, so we're in good company.
We never can figure out when the Macy's parade is, so we ended up only seeing part of it. I guess it looks the same either way, but watching it in Spanish gives it a whole new twist.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
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